Contact the Danube Dredging Fleet on the following coordinates or use the contact form below:
The base in Ruse:
- Address: Ruse, Iztochna promishlena zona (Eastern Industrial Zone)
- Tel.: +359 82/ 845 519
- GSM: +359 888 972 619
- Accounting: +359 82/ 841 004
- Sale: +359 82/ 841 006
- Fax: +359 82/ 846 104
- Email:
View Danube Dredging Fleet (Ruse) in larger map
The base in Tutrakan:
- Address: Tutrakan, 1 Slivnitsa Str. (near the bus station)
- GSM: +359 887 363 587
View Danube Dredging Fleet (Turakan) in larger map
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